Tuesday, July 1, 2008


yesterday i received letter from my superior asking me to attend tomorrow meeting at the jabatan and the best part is, i have no idea what the meeting is all about except it says for "PPSMI coordinator". GREAT

i knew PPSMI is all about ETems( for u unfamiliar abt this abbreviations, just remember that this is abt teaching maths and Science in english) but I have nothing to do with ppsmi all my life. well, the person who is in charge before this is my very dear and close friend, kak t. however she just being transfered to kelantan and now the job is being given to me. oh great..i remember she already promised me to coax my superior not to land the job with me since i am quite bz(ahem..) with my current workload but it seems my superior had already make up her mind before she even being coaxed by kak t

wow, great..the job is one thing and going tp give my answer and opinion at jabatan level is another. terbayang-bayang the person in charge in jabatan will say, how come u dont know? cikgu tak wat kerja la ni..tottettottet...(sound like me when asking my daughters to take their nap)

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