Monday, October 20, 2008
pesanan dari roh
Apabila dimandikan, roh sekali lagi merayu :"Demi Allah, wahai orang yang memandikan jangan engkau menggosok aku dengan kuat sebab tubuhku luka-luka dengan keluarnya roh" . Setelah dimandi dan dikafankan, telapak kaki mayat diikat dan ia pun memanggil-manggil dan berpesan lagi supaya jangan diikat terlalu kuat serta mengafani kepalanya kerana ingin melihat wajahnya sendiri, anak-anak, isteri atau suami buat kali terakhir kerana tidak dapat melihat lagi sampai Hari Kiamat.
Sebaik keluar dari rumah lalu ia berpesan : "Demi Allah, wahai jemaahku, aku telah meniggalkan isteriku menjadi Balu. Maka janganlah kamu menyakitinya. Anak-anakku telah menjadi yatim dan janganlah kalian Menyakiti mereka. Sesungguhnya pada hari itu aku telah keluar dari rumahku dan aku tidak akan dapat kembali kepada mereka buat selama-lamanya" . Sesudah mayat diletakkan pada pengusung, sekali lagi diserunya kepada jemaah supaya jangan mempercepatkan mayatnya ke kubur selagi belum mendengar suara anak-anak dan sanak saudara buat kali terakhir.
Sesudah dibawa dan melangkah sebanyak tiga langkah dari rumah, roh pula berpesan: " Wahai Kekasihku, wahai saudaraku dan wahai anak-anakku, jangan kamu diperdaya dunia sebagaimana ia memperdayakan aku dan janganlah kamu lalai ketika ini sebagaimana ia melalaikan aku". "Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan apa yang aku telah aku kumpulkan untuk warisku dan sedikitpun mereka tidak mahu menanggung kesalahanku". "Adapun didunia, Allah menghisab aku, padahal kamu berasa senang dengan keduniaan. Dan mereka juga tidak mahu mendoakan aku".
Ada satu riwayat drp Abi Qalabah mengenai mimpi beliau yang melihat kubur pecah. Lalu mayat-mayat itu keluar dari duduk di tepi kubur masing-masing. Bagaimanapun tidak seorang pun ada tanda-tanda memperolehi nur di muka mereka. Dalam mimpi itu, Abi Qalabah dapat melihat jirannya juga dalam keadaan yang sama. Lalu dia bertanya kepada mayat jirannya mengenai ketiadaan nur itu. Maka mayat itu menjawab: "Sesungguhnya bagi mereka yang memperolehi nur adalah kerana petunjuk drpd anak-anak dan teman-teman. Sebaliknya aku mempunyai anak-anak yang tidak soleh dan tidak pernah mendoakan aku".
Setelah mendengar jawapan mayat itu, Abi Qalabah pun terjaga. Pada malam itu juga dia memanggil anak jirannya dan menceritakan apa yang dilihatnya dalam mimpi mengenai bapa mereka. Mendengar keadaan itu, anak-anak jiran itu berjanji di hadapan Abi Qalabah akan mendoa dan bersedekah untuk bapanya. Seterusnya tidak lama selepas itu, Abi Qalabah sekali lagi bermimpi melihat jirannya. Bagaimanapun kali ini jirannya sudah ada nur dimukanya dan kelihatan lebih terang daripada matahari.
Baginda Rasullullah S.A.W berkata:
Apabila telah sampai ajal seseorang itu maka akan masuklah satu kumpulan malaikat ke dalam lubang-lubang kecil dalam badan dan kemudian mereka menarik rohnya melalui kedua-dua telapak kakinya sehingga sampai kelutut. Setelah itu datang pula sekumpulan malaikat yang lain masuk menarik roh dari lutut hingga sampai ke perut dan kemudiannya mereka keluar. Datang lagi satu kumpulan malaikat yang lain masuk dan menarik rohnya dari perut hingga sampai ke dada dan kemudiannya mereka keluar.Dan akhir sekali datang lagi satu kumpulan malaikat masuk dan menarik roh dari dadanya hingga sampai ke kerongkong dan itulah yang dikatakan saat nazak orang itu."
Sambung Rasullullah S.A.W. lagi:
"Kalau orang yang nazak itu orang yang beriman, maka malaikat Jibrail A.S. akan menebarkan sayapnya yang di sebelah kanan sehingga orang yang nazak itu dapat melihat kedudukannya di syurga. Apabila orang yang beriman itu melihat syurga, maka dia akan lupa kepada orang yang berada di sekelilinginya. Ini adalah kerana sangat rindunya pada syurga dan melihat terus pandangannya kepada sayap Jibrail A.S. "Kalau orang yang nazak itu orang munafik, maka Jibrail A.S. akan menebarkan sayap di sebelahkiri. Maka orang yang nazak tu dapat melihat kedudukannya di neraka dan dalam masa itu orang itu tidak lagi melihat orang di sekelilinginya. Ini adalah kerana terlalu takutnya apabila melihat neraka yang akan menjadi tempat tinggalnya.
Dari sebuah hadis bahawa apabila Allah S.W.T. menghendaki seorang mukmin itu dicabut nyawanya maka datanglah malaikat maut. Apabila malaikat maut hendak mencabut roh orang mukmin itu dari arah mulut maka keluarlah zikir dari mulut orang mukmin itu dengan berkata: "Tidak ada jalan bagimu mencabut rohorang ini melalui jalan ini kerana orang ini sentiasa menjadikan lidahnya berzikir kepada Allah S.W.T." Setelah malaikat maut mendengar penjelasan itu, maka dia pun kembali kepada AllahS.W.T.dan menjelaskan apa yang diucapkan oleh lidah orang mukmin itu.
Lalu Allah S.W.T. berfirman yang bermaksud: "Wahai malaikat maut, kamu cabutlah ruhnya dari arah lain." Sebaik saja malaikat maut mendapat perintah Allah S.W.T . maka malaikat maut pun cuba mencabut roh orang mukmin dari arah tangan. Tapi keluarlah sedekah dari arah tangan orang mukmin itu, keluarlah usapan kepala anak-anak yatim dan keluar penulisan ilmu. Maka berkata tangan: Tidak ada jalan bagimu untuk mencabut roh orang mukmin dariarah ini, tangan ini telah mengeluarkan sedekah,tangan ini mengusap kepala anak-anak yatim dan tangan ini menulis ilmu pengetahuan." Oleh kerana malaikat maut gagal untuk mencabut roh orang mukmin dari arah tangan maka malaikat maut cuba pula dari arah kaki. Malangnya malaikat maut juga gagal melakukan sebab kaki berkata: Tidak ada jalan bagimu dari arah ini Kerana kaki ini sentiasa berjalan berulang alik mengerjakan solat dengan berjemaah dan kaki ini juga berjalan enghadiri majlis-majli! s ilmu." Apabila gagal malaikat maut,mencabut roh orang mukmin dari arah kaki, maka malaikat maut cuba pula dari arah telinga. Sebaik saja malaikat maut menghampiri telinga maka telinga pun berkata: "Tidak ada jalan bagimu dari arah ini kerana telinga ini sentiasa mendengar bacaan Al-Quran dan zikir." Akhir sekali malaikat maut cuba mencabut orang mukmin dari arah mata tetapi baru saja hendak menghampiri mata maka berkata mata: "Tidak ada jalan bagimu dari arah ini sebab mata ini sentiasa melihat beberapa mushaf dan kitab-kitab dan mata ini sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah." Setelah gagal maka malaikat maut kembali kepada Allah S.W.T. Kemudian AllahS.W.T. berfirman yang bermaksud:"Wahai malaikatKu, tulis AsmaKu ditelapak tanganmu dan tunjukkan kepada roh orang yang beriman itu." Sebaik saja mendapat perintah AllahS.W.T. maka malaikat maut menghampiri roh orang itu dan menunjukkan AsmaAllah S.W.T. Sebaik saja melihat Asma Allah dan c intan ya kepada AllahS.W.T maka keluarl! ah roh tersebut dari arah m ulut dengan tenang.
Abu Bakar R.A. telah ditanya tentang kemana roh pergi setelah ia keluar dari jasad. Maka berkata Abu Bakar R.A: "Roh itu menuju ketujuh tempat:-
1. Roh para Nabi dan utusan menuju ke Syurga Adnin.
2. Roh para ulama menuju ke Syurga Firdaus.
3. Roh mereka yang berbahagia menuju ke Syurga Illiyyina.
4. Roh para shuhada berterbangan seperti burung di syurga mengikut kehendak mereka.
5.Roh para mukmin yang berdosa akan tergantung di udara tidak di bumi dan tidak di langit sampai hari kiamat.
6. Roh anak-anak orang yang beriman akan berada di gunung dari minyak misik.
7.Roh orang-orang kafir akan berada dalam neraka Sijjin,mereka diseksa berserta jasadnya hingga sampai hari Kiamat."
Telah bersabda Rasullullah S.A.W: Tiga kelompok manusia yang akan dijabat tangannya oleh para malaikat pada hari mereka keluar dari kuburnya:-
1. Orang-orang yang mati syahid.
2. Orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat malam dalam bulan ramadhan.
3. Orang berpuasa di hari Arafah.
Sekian untuk ingatan kita bersama.
Kalau rajin. Tolong sebarkan kisah ini kepada saudara Islam yang lain. Ilmu yang bermanfaat ialah salah satu amal yang berkekalan bagi orang yang mengajarnya meskipun dia sudah mati.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
forward daripada email
Seorang guru wanita sedang bersemangat mengajarkan sesuatu kepada anak muridnya. Ia duduk menghadap anak muridnya. Di tangan kirinya ada kapur, di tangan kanannya ada kayu pemadam. Guru itu berkata, "Saya ada satu permainan... Caranya begini, ditangan kiri saya ada kapur, di tangan kanan ada kayu pemadam. Jika saya angkat kapur ini, maka sebutlah "Kapur!", jika saya angkat kayu pemadam ini, maka katalah "Pemadam!"
Anak muridnya faham dan seterusnya menyebut dengan betul. Guru bersilih-ganti mengangkat tangan kanan dan kirinya, semakin lama semakin cepat. Beberapa saat kemudian guru kembali berkata, "Baik sekarang perhatikan. Jika saya angkat kapur, maka sebutlah "Pemadam!", jika saya angkat kayu pemadam, maka katakanlah "Kapur!". Dan diulangkan seperti tadi, tentu saja murid-murid tadi keliru dan kekok, dan sangat sukar untuk mengubahnya. Namun lambat laun, mereka kembali biasa dan tidak kekok lagi.
Selang beberapa saat, permainan berhenti.
Guru tersenyum kepada anak muridnya. "Murid-murid, begitulah kita umat Islam. Mulanya yang haq itu haq, yang bathil itu bathil. Kita begitu jelas membezakannya. Namun kemudian, satelah musuh kita memaksakan kepada kita dengan perbagai cara untuk menukarkan sesuatu, perkara yang haq telah
menjadi bathil, dan sebaliknya. Pada mulanya agak sukar bagi kita menerima hal tersebut, tapi kerana terus disosialisasikan dengan pelbagai cara menarik oleh mereka, lambat laun kita akan terbiasa dengan hal itu, seterusnya kita mulai dapat mengikutinya. Musuh-musuh kita tidak pernah berhenti membolak-balik dan menukar nilai murni akidah/hukum Islam dari masa ke semasa.
"Keluar berduaan, berkasih-kasihan tidak lagi sesuatu yang pelik, Zina tidak lagi jadi persoalan, pakaian seksi menjadi hal yang lumrah, tanpa rasa malu, sex sebelum nikah menjadi suatu kebiasaan dan trend, hiburan yang asyik dan panjang sehingga melupakan yang wajib adalah biasa, materialistik kini menjadi suatu gaya hidup dan lain lain." "Semuanya sudah terbalik. Dan tanpa disedari, anda sedikit demi sedikit
menerimanya tanpa rasa ia satu kesalahan dan kemaksiatan. Faham?" tanya Guru kepada anak muridnya.
"Baik untuk permainan kedua..." Gurunya meneruskannya. .....
"Cikgu ada Qur'an,cikgu akan letakkannya di tengah karpet. Sekarang anda berdiri diluar karpet. Permainannya adalah, bagaimana caranya mengambil Qur'an yang ada ditengah tanpa memijak
Murid-muridnya berfikir. Ada yang mencuba dengan tongkat, dan selainnya.
Akhirnya Guru memberikan jalan keluar, digulungnya karpet, dan ia ambil Qur'an. Ia memenuhi syarat, tidak memijak karpet.."Murid- murid, begitulah ummat Islam dengan musuhnya... Musuh Islam tidak akan memijak-mijak anda dengan terang-terangan. ..Kerana tentu anda akan menolaknya dengan mentah. Orang biasapun tak akan rela kalau Islam dihina dihadapan mereka. Tapi mereka akan monolak kita secara ansur-ansur, sehingga kita tidak sedar.
"Jika seseorang ingin membuat rumah yang kuat, maka dibina tapak yang kuat. Begitulah Islam, jika ingin kuat, maka bangunlah aqidah yang kuat. Sebaliknya, jika ingin membongkar rumah, tentu susah kalau dimulai dgn tapaknya dulu, tentu saja dinding dan peralatan akan dikeluarkan dulu, kerusi dipindahkan dulu, Almari dibuang dulu satu persatu, baru rumah dihancurkan. ..."
"Begitulah musuh-musuh Islam menghancurkan kita. Ia tidak akan menghentam terang-terangan, tapi ia akan perlahan-lahan merusakkan kita. Mulai dari perangai kita, cara hidup, pakaian dan lain-lain, sehingga meskipun kita muslim, tapi kita telah meninggalkan ajaran Islam dan mengikuti cara mereka...Dan itulah yang mereka inginkan." "Ini semua adalah fenomena Ghazwul Fikri (Perang Pemikiran). Dan inilah yang dijalankan oleh musuh musuh kita... "
"Kenapa mereka tidak berani terang-terang memijak-mijak kita, cikgu?" tanya murid-murid.
"Sesungguhnya dahulu mereka terang-terang menyerang Islam, misalnya Perang Salib, Perang Tartar, dan lain-lain. Tapi sekarang tidak lagi." "Begitulah Islam...Kalau diserang perlahan-lahan, mereka tidak akan sedar, akhirnya hancur. Tapi kalau diserang secara terang-terangan, kita akan bangkit serentak, baru mereka gerun".
"Kalau begitu, kita selesaikan pelajaran kita kali ini, dan mari kita berdoa dahulu sebelum pulang..."
Monday, October 13, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
lirik lagu mawi
sejak kehilanganmu di dunia ini..
di saat ku meniti..kejayaan ini..
ayah..aku menyanjungi..
jasamu yang terlalu agung buatku,
tak daya membalas jasa dan budimu..
tanpa kamu,hilanglah haluan hidupku..
terasa siksnya di jiwa ini..
tak dapatku membalas jasamu di dunia ini..
di pagi raya
ku pohon kan kemaafan
ku doakan
agar rohmu
dicucuri rahmat ILLAHI
oh ayah..."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
sakaratul maut
setelah seminggu berlalu, saya memberanikan diri untuk menulis
kali ini saya menulis di dalam bahasa melayu kerana saya tidak yakin penguasaan bahasa inggeris saya dapat melahirkan apa yang ingin saya tulis
seperti posting saya sebelum ini, saya ingin menceritakan mengenai detik-detik terakhir bersama ayah tercinta yang tidak mungkin ssaya dapat lupakan selagi hayat masih ada
hari isnin lepas 15 september, pukul 12.00 saya datang ke sekolah seperti biasa. sebelum itu 'berlabuh' dulu dengan k.sariah, babysitter sambil k.zu mengukur badan muna n munawwarah untuk dibuat baju kurung hari raya. selepas itu saya ke sekolah dan trus masuk ke kelas, sempat juga menyapa k.nani kerana label yang diperlukan untuk hadiah blum lagi saya gunting. saya berjanji akan menyerahkannya setelah digunting.
baru saja aku menyuruh anak-anak 2Murni membuka buku latihan untuk ulangkaji, handphone ku berdering. seprti biasa aku membiarkan telefonku berdering dan aku menelefonnya semula setelah aku siap memberikan arahan kepada anak-anak muridku.
melihat caller's list, nama Kak Mi tertera..ishk, kenapa call siang2 ni, aku takde pun order tupperware, aku mengomel sambil mendail semula nombornya. 2-3 kali juga telefon, baru diangkatnya, tiada kedengaran suara, hanya kedengaran tangisan...eda, ayah sakit kuat..sambil teresak-esak kak mi menangis. aku tenang. 'ayah sakit apa?'tanyaku selamba." tadi kak ana telepon, mak dah panggel org baca yasin"kakakku menjelaskan sbl tersak-esak. "kak mi tak buleh ckp banyak ni, nak tipon abg ismail ajak balik". aku lepak lagi..pastu, aku dpt msg dr kak ijah. kakak aku yang di qatar tu pun sound panic. aku hantar sms pada suamiku, ayah tenat, mak dah panggil baca yasin. aku relax lagi. kemudian sumiku menelefon, 'ok, jom kita balik, pack barang, amik anak, tunggu abg amik". my heart start to sank. aku bergegas keluar, menuju ke bilik guru besar, air mata mula mengalir. sepanjang perjalanan abg nan dan kak liza plak talipon, aku hanya menangis dan cakap ' nak balikla ni'...
sampai di pejabat, tangisan dah jadi raungan, aku menerjah masuk ke bilik guru besar walaupun beliau beliau mempunyai tetamu dan meminta maaf serta memohon pulang awal utk menzirahi ayah aku. sambil teresak-esak, aku meminta gb membenarkan dan alhamdulillah gb membenarkan. setelah memaklumkan kepada penyelia petang, aku trus mengambil barang di kelas dan menuju ke rumah k.sariah untuk mengambil anak-anakku
sepanjang perjalanan ke rumah, aku menagis tresak-esak , muna melihat sahaja aku menangis.. dia hairan agaknya, selalu waktu balik sekolah, aku akan bercloteh ngannnya..
sampai umah kemas apa yang patut, tengah basuh periuk suamiku sampai, " dasiap?"" umi lom semayang" jawabku. "ok, p semayang pastu angkut barang, abg basuh periuk,"suamiku memberi arahan.memang aku kna angkat barang, kalau x mesti ada yang tinggal, aku berfikir.
sepanjang perjalanan, aku hanya membisu, skali-skala berborak dengan sumiku untuk menghilangkan mengantuknya, dalam hati aku berdegup pantas berfikir mengenai keaddan ayah, skali-skali ada mesej masuk dr abg zedi memberitahu tentang keadaan ayah yang makin stabil.tak sampai ipoh lg hp ku sudah mati. aku mula tidak senang duduk, pecutan suamiku ku rasa seperti menaiki basikal sahaja. alangkah bestnya kalau masa ni aku ada jet.- 23/9/08
saya terpaksa menangguhkan coretan kerana air mata tidak berhenti-henti mengalir..
sampai saja di rumah, saya melihat ayah terbaring di atas katil di ruang tamu, mak mengeluarkan ayah dr biliknya untuk memudahkan saudara-saudara dan sahabat-handai yang ingin melawat.bagai tidak ku percaya melihat ayah, ayah kelihatan antara sedar dan tak. emak memanggil, abg, eda balik ni, aku menggenggam tangannya, hangat, namun tiada sebarang tindak balas, matanya jugak tidak terbuka...ayah tidur barangkali, emak mengisyaratkan aku berbisik di telinga ayah, ayah, cek balik( bahasa manja org utara)..hiba rasanya hati melihat ayah tidak berkata apa-apa, cuma matanya berkedip-kedip..tidak lama aku di sisi ayah kerana muna mula menanges, aku pun hairan, dr balik td asek menanges..agaknya dia pun paham tok ayah nya tak sehat..aku memandikan dua-beradik dan menyiapkan mereka dngan pakaian tidur. setelah selesai solat asar, kudukung anisah ketepi ayah semula. sambil mendukung, sempat jugak aku menggeletek, ketawa dia berdekah-dekah. tiba-tiba kulihat ayah tersenyum , agaknya mendengar ketawa anisah..dihulurnya tangan ingin memegang anakku..kuletakkan ditepi ayah sebentar untuk ayah menusap-usap dan kuangkat semula setelah anisah mula berbunyi, anak manjaku tu memang tak mahu berenggang langsung denganku
aku mula menolong kakak iparku menyiapkan ifthar di dapur.usai solat maghrib,ku capai quran dan membaca quran di tepi ayah. hari itu hari ke 15 ramadhan dan aku baru di juzuk 15. sambil mengaji sambil aku melihat ayah. ayah tenang, tidak tidur, tp mungkin antara sedar tak sedar..
tak lama kemudian keluarga kmi, kliza dan abg nan sampai. aku memberi laluan kepada mereka dan naik menunaikan solat isyak dan terawekh. setelah menidurkan anak, ku turun semula, menyambung bacaanku sehingga tengah malam. sepanjang mengaji aku berdoa moga allah mudahkan segala urusan ayah. ajal-maut tu ketentuannya, jika Allah nak amik ayah, mudahkanlah dia. xsampai hati aku melihat ayah menanggung kesakitan. sepanjang aku mengaji, byk x aku terhenti menangis, kesian aku melihat ayah..
16hb september
jam 3.30 pagi aku terjaga, bingkas bangun mengambil wudhuk dan mengaji lagi di tepi ayah, kali ini ayah asek minta disuapkan air. ku baca 2 ayat, ayah mengisyaratkan agar disuap air.. akhirnya aku mengaji sedikit sahaja, teringat org cakap, di akhir hayat, kita memang dahaga, hatiku mula tidak keruan...setelah lebih kurang sejam, aku terpaksa meninggalkan ayah kerna menolong kakak iparku menyiapkan juadah sahur, ramai ada di rumah jadi banyak yang perlu disediakan
usai solat subuh, aku kembali di sisi ayah, ramai anak cucu mengelilinginya dengan yasin di tangan. alhamdulillah, syukurku kerana cucu-cucu ayah xlupa untuk mengaji untuk ayah..aku meneruskan bacaanku sehingga anisahku bangun tidur dan menangis memanggil uminya..alahai anakku sorang ni..
mula kedengaran dengkuran ayah, aku tidak pasti ayah tidur atau paru-parunya yang dipenuhi air menyebabkan bunyi dengkuran yang begitu kuat..abgku yg ke5 mula berbincang dengan abg2 ku yang lain untuk mebawa ayah ke hospital..katanya ayah sakit, xkan kami nak biar je ayah macam tu? abg-abgku yang lain tidak begitu setuju, kakak dr ku pun menyuruh bawa ayah ke setelah berbincang-bincang, kami memutuskan untuk memanggil dr sahaja ke rumah kerana emak cakap, ayah pesan dia tanak kemana-mana.
selepas menguruskan kedua anak-anakku, aku dan suamiku mula mengambil posisi tetap di sekeliling ayah sambil mengaji..begitu juga kakak-kakak dan abang-abangku yang lain. emak menyuruh a.nan keluar membeli barang-barang keperluan untuk kafan dan pengebumian. walaupun aku tidak faham dengan tindakan ibuku, tetapi aku dapat merasakan emak dah dapat rasa sesuatu.
lebeh kurang pkl 11, mataku begitu layu skali, asek tersengguk-sengguk sambil mengaji, suamiku ku menyuruhku tido sebentar, walaupun berat, terpaksa jugak aku tido kerana dah mengantuk sangat. ayah maseh berdengkur kuat ..aku tidur xlama-short nap je..bangun-bangun je tengok ayah muntah, banyak cecair warna puteh keluar dr mulut ayah, tetapi ayah x-makan apa pun dari semalam. dia hanya buka puasa minum air masak je semalam.. lebeh kurang setengah jam kemudian, ayah muntah lagi...kali ketiga ayah muntah, aku mula nampak warna muntahnya menjadi perang..abg man yang duduk di tepi telinga ayah tidak putus-putus mentalkinkan ayah..laila ha illa allah...kedengaran juga bunyi allah dr mulut ayah walaupun bunyinya tidak jelas kerana ayah sudah kene mild stroke semalam...kami semua semakin kuat membaca yasin di keliling ayah manakala aku menyuruh ibuku tido sebentar kerana sejak ayah nazak semalam mak setia ditepi ayah, tidak meninggalkan ayah, malahan solat pun di tepi ayah...kemudian hampir pukul1 thari, kakakku di qatar memberi arahan supaya abgku yg ke5 mengambil bp dan pulse ayah..bp ayah sudah 80/60 dan pulse ayah dah 50. mengikut kakak, theoritically, bila bp trn, pulse naik menandakan jantung berdegup lebih cepat untuk edarkan darah ke seluruh bdn(forgive me if i'm wrong)..tetapi pulse ayah cuma 50 menandakan something is wrong. dalam kami kalut menerima kenyataan nadi ayah makin lemah...ayah muntah lagi kali ke 4 dan kali ini sangat-sangat banyak cecair keluar...mata ayah mula naik ke atas melihat langit..semenjak nazak, inilah kali pertama aku melihat mata ayah begitu besar sekali dan sumiku menjerit menyuruh cepat memanggil mak. dalam kalut-kalut tu, kukejut mak sekasar yg mungkin dan kembali kepada ayah..saat itu aku melihat sakaratul maut...aku mendengar ayah menyebut ALLAH dan mata ayah besar melihat ke langit, menarik nafas yang terakhir dan melepaskannya kali terakhir dan terus menutup mata buat selama-lamanya....serentak itu azan zuhur bergema dan tangisan mula kedengaran.. aku bagaikan tidak percaya memeluk abg man dan menangis teresak-esak sambil menggoncang tangan ayah. kaku, walaupun hangat tapi tiada lagi tindak balas.
hampir 5 minit aku menangis, aku meleraikan diri dr pelukan abg man dan berlari menunaikan solat zuhur. doaku selepas zuhur, ayah ada lg..tapi ALLAh lebih syangkan ayah..ayah pergi meninggalkan kami dalam keadaan aman, mudah skali..semoga ayah ditempatkan kalangan org beriman.
tidak sampai setengah jam, org mula membanjiri rumah kami..aku menjadi telefonis menelefon saudara-saudara jauh memberitahu kabar, setiap kali aku menyebut, ayah dah tak dak, airmataku mengalir laju..saat itu aku dalam dunia ku sniri..muna, anisah dan suamiku tidak ku ingat sama skali.. alhamdulillah suamiku amat memahami
bila upacara memandikan hampir selesai, anak -anak perempuan diberi peluang menjirus jenazah..saudara-saudara lelaki memang menguruskan dari awal lagi..aku tidak sampai ati hendak menjirus..tetapi suamiku membantu..
saat mengkafankan adalah saat paling mengharukan, ketika kami semua berpeluang mencium ayah buat kali terakhir, kakak ku yang di qatar membuat panggilan 3G untuk melihat wajah ayah kali terakhir. suasana yang hening menjadi penuh dengan tangisan apabila esakan kak ijah terdengar di telefon. kesian kak ijah, hasratnya nak balik sebelum ayah meninggal tak tercapai kerana masalah imigresen di sana.
tidak sampai 4 jam ayah meninngaal, dalam pukul 5.30, jenazah ayah mula dibawa ke masjid untuk urusan solat jenazah pada pukul 6. walaupun mendukung anak,aku bawak jugak anisah bersamaku ke kubur manakala muna kubiarkan bersama-sama kakak-kakak sepupunya yang lain di rumah. saat melihat ayah dikuburkan, airmata ini tak dapat ditahan lagi..sejak ayah menghembuskan nafas terakhir, tidak setitik pun ku nampak air mata emak jatuh..aku memeluk emak teresak-esak sambil memberitahu aku perlu pulang kerana anisah sudah mula merengek mengantuk..
upacara pengkebumian selesai lebih kurang pkl 7, saudara-saudara ku dr bkt raya pun tak sempat menziarah tak apa, doa yang lebih penting..
malam pertama tanpa kehadiran ayah aku hanya mampu tidur sekejap cuma, tepat pkl 3 mataku sudah tebuntang dan turun ke bawah untuk mengambil wudhuk kulihat emak teresak-esak..itulah tangisan mak yang pertama aku lihat. aku menambah lg dengan memeluk emak..emak cakap, mak tak nangis sebab mak rasa ayah akan balik..esakan aku semakin kuat..
aku rasa hari-hari yang aku lalui selepas ini tidak lagi sama seperti ayah ada. banyak kesalan dan kenangan yang aku rasakan yang tak akan mampu aku lupakan sehingga akhir hayat
ya allah, aku redho dengan ketentuan MU ini, bahagiakanlah ayahku di sana.tempatkanlah dia di kalangan hamba-hambaMu yang soleh dan beriman..
saya pohon, pembaca-pembaca coretan saya ini menyedekahkan al-fatehah utk arwah ayah saya..HAJI ABDULLAH BIN CHE MAT..semoga dengan doa tuan-puan lebih mudah urusan ayah di akhirat..jazakalallah
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sunday October 28, 2007
About hand, foot and mouth disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFM) understandably has many parents worried. Here is what you need to know to prevent your child from contracting this highly contagious disease.
The hand, foot and mouth (HFM) disease outbreak in Sarawak in March and April last year caused panic among parents and healthcare providers throughout the country. With over 8,390 cases reported and 1,304 hospital admissions, it was and still is a cause for concern.
What is HFM disease?
Not to be confused with foot and mouth disease, a fatal condition known to affect livestock, HFM is basically a common viral infection caused by the Coxsackie virus A16, enterovirus EV 71 and other enteroviruses.
Hand, foot and mouth disease can cause ulcers in a child’s mouth, especially on the tongue, gums and inside of the cheeks.
It often affects children under five years of age and since more than one virus can cause HFM disease, a child may get it more than once.
How does HFM disease spread?
The disease spreads through person-to-person contact with nose and throat discharges, saliva, fluid from blisters or the stool of a person with the infection.
It can also be transmitted through shared items such as toys and utensils. That’s why outbreaks frequently take place in childcare centres, nurseries and pre-schools as these places are packed with young children in close proximity and sharing various items. It may also spread from playgrounds and shopping malls.
Children with HFM disease are most contagious when they have mouth ulcers during the first week of the illness.
What are the symptoms of HFM disease?
The symptoms include:
# Ulcers in a child’s mouth, especially on the tongue, gums and inside of the cheeks. These ulcers can be painful and may last seven to 10 days.
# Blisters or rashes on the hands and feet, although they may appear on the trunk and other parts of the body as well. Unlike chickenpox, these rashes rarely itch.
# Low grade fever (38° C to 39°C).
Though it may be life-threatening in a few cases, HFM disease is generally a self-limiting illness.
Presently, there is no specific treatment for it. Often, symptomatic treatments such as fluids, painkillers and fever relievers are used to ease a patient’s discomfort until the disease goes away on its own.
Prompt medical care is required if you suspect your child has been infected.
# Dr Musa Mohd Nordin is a consultant paediatrician & neonatalogist, and honarary treasurer of the Positive Parenting Management Committee. The Positive Parenting Programme is managed by Malaysian Paediatric Association. For further information, please visit The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader’s own medical care. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
sleep n fasting
Kelazatan sesuatu yang haram dapat menimbulkan penyesalan, penderitaan dan hukuman.
well, the madah is not related at all with the header because sleep n fasting are allowed in islam:). it is very related. during ramadhan, u can c the scenario everywhere. its ok to take a nap, but to sleep all day is totally no-no
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
marhaban ya ramadhan
ramadhan comes again
with the coming of ramadhan, it means i had reach the big3 in my life.thirty years had passed and I feel grateful for every nikmat that ALLAH had gave to me and my family.
with this ramdahan, the usual routine changed,among the new routine during ramdhan is tadarus and tarawekh. alhamdulillah so far this two pose no trouble for me except off course, terawekh is makmum by my muna and munawwarah. I'm very thankful to Allah to give me this nikmat again. last year i celebrate ramadhan with the birth of my munawwarah and have no chance to tadarus and tarawekh
i've read somewhere( my friend's letter i think), in egypt, u can see people tadarus everywhere(in ramadhan), including while waiting for bus and even on the bus. sadly in malaysia its a rare sight. from my observation while i went to haramain few years ago, the arabs read quran like reading novels( off course, they understand the language, some of u might said)and like when u reading novels, they dont have adab like all of us in malaysia like they read quran while lying on their back.( but at least they read, dont they?)
Harapan Ramadhan
Album : Maafkan
Munsyid : Raihan
Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan
Kali ini penuh makna
Agar dapat kulalui
Dengan sempurna
Selangkah demi selangkah
Setahun sudah pun berlalu
Masa yang pantas berlalu
Hingga tak terasa ku berada
Di bulan Ramadhan semula
Puasa satu amalan
Sebagaimana yang diperintahNya
Moga dapat ku lenturkan
Nafsu yang selalu membelenggu diri
Tiada henti-henti
Tak ingin ku biarkan Ramadhan berlalu saja
Tuhan pimpinlah daku yang lemah
Mengharungi segalanya dengan sabar
Kita memohon pada Tuhan diberikan kekuatan
Ku merayu pada Tuhan diterima amalan
Selangkah demi selangkah...
Dengan rahmatMu oh Tuhanku...
Ku tempuh jua
Ya allah, semoga amalan kami ini diterima.ameen
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
its been a month since my last posting
this is the month for celebration for all of us as a malaysian-cuti panjang:)
i have been given the opportunity to mark my 29th birthday with visit frrom MR auditor for PPSMI and celebrate my anisah's birthday with baking cakes for my students. what a relief to see them devouring the whole cakes without much complain. thats th nature of children, just enjoying everything and no worries at all. i wish i can be small girl again..
then came the cuti sekolah where the children are able to let go their heavy bags and palying all day without worrying about my homework. also this is the chance for the teachers to relax after 2 months of mid-exam, marking, recording marks, writing buku adab, and many other menial things that might bored all of holidays are spent for few days to spring-cleaning my tiny house. rearranging tonnes of things that i wish i can throw(so i can buy new one:)), ironing my husband's and my baju kurungs. sometimes i iron my daughters dress as well-out of boringness. then on wednesday my husband said, JOM BALIK KAMPUNG( the word sound so sweet like lagu datuk siti nurhaliza)-but i have to said, sorrylah dear, umi have to finish some things at school first, we go back tomorrowlah.. so, thursday we start our journey early in the morning. however due to heavy downpour, we only manage to reach LUMUT at around12( this time, we going back through coastway-jalan tepi pantai-although its not highway, but the road is ok and not so much cars-plus we save fhe toll)from segambut to shah alam , meru, kuala selangor, setiawan n finally lumut for lunch.
women can never be separated from shopping rite. at this tiny lumut jetty, i still able to find a dress each for my daughters, some sotong kering for my mother and few others for the in-laws. my husband shaking his head in disbelief at looking to my purchases since the car's boot is already full of things. but thanks to me, mesti muat punya:)
finally after hours of 'begaduh' in the car with my two daughters, we arrive at cherok tok kun exactly at asar. first thing first jumpa ayah. not much different, much worse i think. his whole face bloated up with water( water retention). again, our offer to take him to clinic is met with HUH...TADAK MENDA LAIN KA NAKATA...despite his frailness, hiis firmness is still sound like Sarjan ABdullah 9145 days( 24 years passed already)..
then chatting with mommy, bathing my two daughters and my husband took my anisah with him untuk belayar(zzzzzzz la..)
the next day we went to the opening ceremony of JUsco Seberang Perai City- cantik design-mcm jusco bukit tinggi and jusco queensbay mall but still kelam-kabut, first day la katakan and then in the evening, we just passing through to place is most famously known in malaysia now-PMTG PAUH_. the area is definitely like a warzone of flags, banner, buntings and pondok panas(temporary shelter for campaign). but may be its already 6o'clock, all the pondok panas are empty and there are no ceramahs in sight. we just passing through the area and noticed the congestion due to heavy traffic and most of the cars are like ours-with outside plate number, not P for penang). no rusuhan or demonstration in sight( so eager to see since the tv keep bombarding us about keganasan dalam pilihanraya yang terburuk). i noticed more policeman and along jalan baru, about 20 fru's truck being parked as preparation for the election. i dont see any of the things at all but maybe i'm not at the right place.
as we already know the result by now, like sirih pulang ke gagang..p44 is back to Datuk sri NAwar Ibrahim. i hope he will give what he had promised and get all his work done and ggod luck to him. while for the bn, its time for muhasabah and munasarawak why they did not win even when they are in control of all the media-except internet and have all the machineries needed. i think pmtg pau voters are still obsessed with DSAI is also a atrong point to be remembered by the UMNO leaders.
after that, i'm going to my mothers in law's house and hear another anwar-bashing from her:) and on sunday we came back to Kuala Lumpur
i thinks that all for now, salam ramadhan al-mubarak to everyone. hope its going to be better ramadhan for all of us this year. ameen
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Town called Cherok Tok Kun
post info
By Anwar Ibrahim
Categories: Sidenotes
By Debra Chong
From The Malaysian Insider
CHEROK TOK KUN, Aug 13 — While all eyes are on Permatang Pauh right now, where opposition leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, is contesting in a by-election in two weeks’ time, the story really begins in a remote neck of Penang, called Cherok Tok Kun, where the former deputy prime minister grew up.
“You missed it,” said the middle-aged woman kindly from behind the sundry shelves at the petrol station where we had stopped for directions to Anwar’s childhood home.
“You need to make a U-turn. It’s just next to the mosque on the left after the traffic lights. It’s the one in white,” she instructed. You can’t miss it, she reassured, it’s right next to the main road.
But, of course, it was missed, because the whitewashed house wasn’t really right next to the main road, as Kamsiah, the petrol station lady, had said; it was on Jalan Kilang Ubi, off the main road next to the mosque.
It’s something of a universal law of navigation that outsiders will never find the spot they’re looking for following the exact directions as given by the locals because X does not mark the spot — Y does.
One thing she got right though, the house where Anwar grew up in is impossible to miss. It is the most distinguished building in the neighbourhood, not counting the golden domed mosque.
There were no signs posted outside the gateless compound, but Anwar’s ancestral home is an impressive two-storey bungalow in wood and brick painted a pristine white. It is the tallest house in the village.
But no one was home. Directly opposite the white house was a single storey building with a signboard out front stating its name: Galeri Pejuang.
Built in 2002 from donations collected from the villagers and other Anwar supporters, it is a tribute to Anwar’s fight, going back as early as his youth activism days, for a progressive Malaysia where the rakyat’s welfare is the topmost agenda.
What’s inside? The photographs and other memorabilia that used to be housed within have been cleared and the space now serves as a village community hall of sorts for ceramahs and when the state assemblyman comes for his weekly visits on Tuesday nights.
Anwar’s elder brother, Idrus, the caretaker, had gone out and would only return in the late evening, the neighbours informed. “He’s got a lot of work.
He’s also helping out Anwar’s campaign,” said a chubby-cheeked makcik three doors up from the white house. Turned out she is their cousin by marriage, and had inherited the signless noodle shop first started by Anwar’s grandfather, Abdul Rahman Ismail, before being passed down to his uncle and her father-in-law, Saad.
Lifting the lid off a cauldron sitting on a wood fire stove, she revealed a beefy red broth and released a cloud of steam pregnant with the most appetizing savoury aroma into the open air kitchen.
Turning around, she noticed the look of longing on our faces.
“That’s the kuah for the mee… mee reformasi,” chuckled cousin Saloma Hussin, in her 50s. The gravy would not be ready till 3pm, she said, shooing us away.
“Go speak to Mak Su. She is good at telling you stories about this place. Her late husband was a teacher and had taught Anwar.”
Mak Su was sitting in the shade of a pomelo tree facing the back entrance of a primary school, selling flavoured ice,10 sen a tube, from out of a large vacuum container.
Above her, the fruits dangled enticingly.
Some were wrapped in new-looking Barisan Nasional buntings. She is one of the village elders and a close friend to Anwar’s family.
She had watched him grow up. Everyone in the village loved him. He was a good boy, a filial son, she said, and had been since young.
She remembered his anguish when his mother passed away following the 1998 scandal. She was there at the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital with several other villagers when Anwar was finally allowed out of prison to see her. But it was too late by the time he arrived.
She didn’t believe the current rumours circulating about him, never had since Sodomy I in 1998. “Itu bohong. Mereka jahat,” she said emphatically.
Anwar was not a homosexual. He would go to the masjid and perform his prayers religiously, even now, when he returned home. Those who spread the rumours were liars and bad people.
But there are always those who don’t support him and don’t want him to win the by-election, even in the village.
The village headman confirmed it. Sitting on a weathered bench outside his wooden house, he gave the surrounding a slow sweeping glance.
“Anywhere you go, there are always two sides. This village is no different. Not everyone supports Anwar.”
But if the Parti Keadilan Rakyat flags decorating one wall in his living room is any hint, the headman is among Anwar’s staunch supporters.
Back at the nameless noodle shop, Saloma’s famous mee kuah was ready and attracting a slow but steady stream of regulars: teens on motorbikes, young working adults looking for a nourishing before-dinner bowl, and old, retired men looking for a good jaw.
One pakcik, who declined to be named or photographed, saying that Bukit Aman had his picture already, delivered a fiery commentary on the political situation.
Despite living in a different parliamentary constituency - Tok Kun falls under the Bukit Mertajam parliamentary seat - he was one of the few villagers registered to vote in Permatang Pauh.
“I lived there 25 years ago, before moving here. Sekarang, serupa cacing kepanasan,” he quipped, waving his hands around to mimick a worm rolling on a burning floor to illustrate the heat.
The whole country and beyond was pouring into Permatang Pauh, he said, packing up the town. Why, he questioned; what was the draw for them?
Despite knowing the answer himself, he insisted on a reply from the rest of the crowd in the noodle shop, especially the two newshounds from Kuala Lumpur on their maiden trip.
Crowing at the answer, he expounded at length on why Anwar had to win. “Siapa yang boleh bela nasib bangsa, agama dan negara? Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang seorang sahaja!”
To him, Islam had taken a severe battering under Barisan Nasional rule. Moral decay grew more prevalent under Islam Hadhari, he went on, you could see it in the entertainment and so on.
What he wanted was change, he added, like everyone else.
He was toothless and pushing 70 but remained as mentally spry as the young ‘uns in the shop that listened carefully to his every word even as they slurped up the beef soup.
“We want change. We don’t want people who place priority on themselves and turn their backs on the rakyat. What is the responsibility of the leaders? Is it to impoverish the people? The price of petrol is going up.
Even Mahathir when he raised it, was only a few sen.
“Now, what is the true purpose of them descending upon us thus,” he thundered, referring to the delegation of Barisan Nasional’s top guns, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein and Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
“They want to conquer-lah. Habislah kampung kita. Tempat kita pun tak ada,” he sighed.
He proudly announced that he would be lending a helping hand in Permatang Pauh on Aug 26, polling day.
He was worried about how the election process was going to be carried out, whether there would be obstacles as in previous by-elections, such as in Ijok.
The other diners smiled. Not to be beaten, Saloma quipped that she would be going to show her support for Anwar this coming Saturday, nomination day, knowing full well that the pakcik was busy with a wedding kenduri on that day.
Lighthearted as it were, Anwar’s brother, Idrus, drove home the seriousness of the election campaign when he got back later that evening.
He was in charge of co-ordinating the entire PKR election movement in Seberang Jaya.
For the last few days, he had been commuting to the PKR action centre there from home several times a day. In fact, he was due back there after dinner.
Despite the hometown advantage - due in no small measure to Idrus’ grassroots’ influence as the chairman of the mosque committee - the villagers and Idrus himself dare not predict a sure-fire win for Anwar.
His biggest worry this by-election is not just his little brother’s safety, but the safety of everyone involved in the whole process, including the supporters and as-yet-unnamed candidate from the rival Barisan Nasional. It had happened before, said Idrus, in Sarawak and in Indera Kayangan.
The present political situation is extremely fragile, he said. It only needs one wrong move by either side to send the whole place up in smoke.
He implied that there were people with vested interests, who had benefited from the economic status quo, who might decide to take advantage of this flammable situation and cause a flare-up at this time.
“They are afraid, if Anwar becomes prime minister, they are afraid what projects they can get from the government now will be affected.
“We just hope everybody can cool down…What’s happened to Anwar, let it not happen to anyone else, not even Dollah or Najib.
We are going forward. The country is going to prosper. Our mission: Once we rule the country, nobody should suffer as our family has suffered. Let it end with Anwar,” said Idrus gently.
Saloma now runs the namesless mee stall near Anwar’s family house.
“Insya-Allah, he will win. We pray that he will win,” he added, echoing Mak Su and cousin Saloma.
Idrus, older than Anwar by four years, is now the de facto head of the household following brother number one’s death, also while Anwar was incarcerated. Their father, a former Member of Parliament, is still alive but sickly and currently stays in Kajang Country Homes.
The folks living in Cherok Tok Kun are far from ignorant about the goings-on in the world of politics.
They have a sharp-mind and a sharp wit that would equal any international political analyst’s.
Just like the Siamese bomoh, Tok Kun, which local legend says, used to dwell in the remote cracks at the foothill of Bukit Mertajam and whose name is enshrined in the village’s; and just like their most famous son, whom they are all praying will be the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Surfing from my hp
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
becoming a wife
I am included in this era and had since embrace few roles in my life since married to my husband for the last three years.
before getting married, for me marriage is full of bed of roses and everything is nice and good:)
after few days of marriage and moving to our own rented-house finally the reality sank in:)
ok - fast forward to three years later, i am now quite comfortable with my role as a daughter, wife, mother. but actually i forgot my most vital role, as a partner n friend to my husband.
Permata (Untuk Isteri Ku)
Telah ku siapkan satu daerah paling sunyi
Dalam hati ini untuk kau isi sebagai isteri
Untuk kau penuhi dengan kemuliaan seorang wanita
Untuk kau beri erti dengan kelembutan
Untuk kau hargai dengan kasih sayang
Ku ingin kau jadi wanita mulia
Yang tahu harga budi dan hati
Seorang lelaki bernama suami
Kerana engkau isteri
Ku ingin kau mengerti bahawa hidup ini
Tak semudah yang kita janjikan
Yang kita janjikan
Kerana kau isteriku
hehe..jiwangla plak
since becoming mother to two beautiful girls, i am so devoted(perasanla plak) to them that i had forgotten to be my husband's very close friend, loyal confidante and rarely speaks besides abt our girls, but suddenly after coming back from kg, i feel sorry to see my father who is beginning to losing his capability to speak and arguing with my mom. although they argue a lot-but it is some sort of telepathy for them and my mom who usually whining to me to became middle-man between her n my daddy had suddenly stopped complaining. every calls to me now is all abt ayah's losing himself, no sleeping n eating for days made me wondering what would happen to me when my other's half start to be like that?especially when all the children had already left the nest and we are completely on our own?based on that thinking, i start to pay more attention to my husband's rumbling abt his incapabilities colleague, his demanding boss and his never-ending -workloads-which-had- keep- me- furious:) I promised myself to be more listening and talking with him and not just prioritise the house chores.
based on that promise, yesterday I went to ppdkl to sent the school's data and after that we went for a short dating:). suprisingly i feel so awkward.back then,(while we are still dating- dating is completely a no-no n ISLAM is strictly against that-tp tgh darah mudala katakan, we managed to curi-curi dating for a few times--:))betulla org ckp,sebab bende tu haram,jd macam best plak:) but now, we are married to each other,yet I feel so awkward holding his hand, my husband lgla tak sporting:). we just went to the nearest mall since I have to sprint back to school after that n have kfc. we share a plate n no suap mkn beradap here:) n then he send me to school while he took my daughters from babysitter's house. maybe the awkwardness happen because we always kelam kabut while going shopping with our two hyper-energetic girls. while the elder always sprinting all over the mall barefoot( i dont know why, but she always take off her shoes and sprinting along the hallway),, the younger always use her hand to grab everything she can along the aisle. and dont keep me started abt dining out with them. last weekend, I had vowed never to dine-out again after one of our plate of buttered chicken flew all over the restaurant-thanks to the next-to-be-olympic-gold-medallist-hurdler anisah munawwarah. phew...guess, that restaurant will never see our face again:)
ok, next time I'll keep u updated on our another "DATING":)
it almost a month i didnt have time to write here
so many paperwork I have to do. Although my priority is to teach but due the limited time, sometimes I have to sacrifice a bit of my teaching time so that I can still able to catch the deadline. finally today I feel a bit relief especially after I have send my school's data to ppdkl,jabatan pendidikan wilayah yesterday.
between my hectic schedule, alhamdulillah I still manage to fly back to kg last weekend to attend 'kenduri kesyukuran ' held by my parents and able to catch things up( n berniaga as well) with my siblings, especially my sis who had been residing in qatar for past few years. not to forget my cousins,aunties, relatives and few villagers who still recognize me as "budak rajin naik basikal keliling kg":).although it's like festive mood, i feel a bit sad to see my aging father,his health is deteriorating and his diabetes had finally try to take some of his sight away. my tears fell down when he use his hand to 'meraba-raba' like blind people do to see my Muna. "muna ke ni, AWAT KECIK SANGAT". yA ALLAH, I QUICKLY WIPE MY TEARS.
beside his deteriorating sight, his leg are swollen to the extent of like going to burst anytime, my sis (the doctor) said it caused by water retention-sign of his kidney getting weaker. but my father, the staunch medicine-taker had been aging and had recently started to lose his hope. he reluctant to get treatment, refuse to eat his med and rarely eat and sleep. its very painful to see what he is going through but i sincerely hope ALLAH will lift his misery and let he live his golden age in joy and happiness. many of his friends came during the feast to visit him and he warmly embrace everyone with smile and sometimes cracking jokes although i knew he barely recognize anyone.
ajal, maut is in ALLAH's hand but I do hope i still have lots of moment to share with him. ayah, how I miss your jokes,ur thousand questions about my work( I have field day answering his q's while in my confinement), ur endless advise on becoming a very dedicated civil servant like u do (he rarely take his leave while he's working- a trait that had been pass to my eldest brother) and most of all I need you to give ur love and undivided attention to my children,u're the only grandfather they can see(my husband's father already died before we married). YA ALLAH,WITH YOUR KINDNESS, UR RAHMAN and UR Rahim, PLEASE RETURN MY FATHER"S HEALTH.ameen
Monday, July 7, 2008
from kheru krek's blog
Kita selalu bertanya.... ......... .......dan Al-Quran sudah menjawabnya. ......... .......
"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," ("I am full of faith to Allah") sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji org2 yg sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui org2 yg benar dan, sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui org2 yg dusta." -Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." - Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. " - Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286
"Jgnlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan jgnlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah org2 yg paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu org2 yg beriman." - Surah Al-Imran ayat 139
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan) , dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah (be fearfull of Allah The Almighty) kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan). "
"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk" - Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45
"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari org2 mu'min, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga utk mereka... ? - Surah At-Taubah ayat 111
"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain dari Nya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal. " - Surah At-Taubah ayat 129
"... ..dan jgnlah kamu berputus asa dr rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dr rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yg kafir." - Surah Yusuf ayat 12
Friday, July 4, 2008
positive measures consumers can do:
· Packing lunches/snacks at home and having them at the office;
· Having more meals at home and eating out less;
· Reducing electricity consumption, such as reducing the amount of time the air-conditioner is switched on or using the fan more often;
· Planning travel in advance;
· Using public transport more often;
· Buying only when necessary, and evaluating the needs versus the wants;
· Using energy-efficient equipment, like a front-loading washing machine rather than a top-loading one;
· Stop using credit cards; and
· Buying house brand goods instead of branded goods.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Dear all,
After reading all the chain mails and blogs, I feel called to reply, because
of the relentless attacks and allegations -- most of which are inaccurate or
baseless -- against PETRONAS.
1) The salaries paid to PETRONAS' employees are not as high as people think.
At best, they are just industry average. And these are not attractive enough
for some who left PETRONAS to find work at other companies (mainly from the
and gas industry worldwide has been facing acute shortage of qualified or
experienced personnel, so most companies are willing to pay lots of money to
entice and pinch staff from their competitors.
Bonus? There has NEVER been a bonus amounting to 6 months or 12 months
throughout the 33 years. On average, it is 2 months. But don't ever think we
don't deserve it. We more than deserve it. A lot of us work really hard,
some in the most extreme of conditions. Those who have been to and worked in
blower oven.
mud. Imagine having to go through that kind of heat, or waddling in muddy
swamps, day in and day out.
100,000 barrels condensate). Of this crude volume, 339,000 barrels are
refined locally for local consumption. The rest is exported (and yes,
because it has lower sulphur content it fetches higher prices).
from the
sulphur and is less expensive (so the country gains more by exporting our
crudes). In
refinery in Melaka, and also by Shell at its Port Dickson refinery.
Different refineries are built and configurated to refine different types of
crude. And each crude type yields different percentage of products (diesel,
gasoline, kerosene, cooking gas etc) per barrel.
But most importantly, products that come out at the end of the refining
process have the same good quality regardless of the crude types. That's why
PETRONAS, Shell and Exxon Mobil share the same pipeline to transport the
finished products from their refineries to a distribution centre in the
accordingly to be distributed to their respective distribution networks.
What makes PETRONAS' petrol different from Shell's, for example, is the
additive that each company adds.
3) A lot of people also do not understand the role and function of PETRONAS,
which is essentially a company, a business entity, which operates on a
commercial manner, to mainly generate income and value for its shareholder.
In this case, PETRONAS' shareholder is the Government.
In 1974, when PETRONAS was set up, the Government gave PETRONAS RM10 million
(peanuts, right?) as seed capital. From 1974 to 2007, PETRONAS made RM570
billion in accumulated profits, and returned to the Government a total of
RM335.7 billion. That is about 65% of the profits. That means for every RM1
that PETRONAS makes, 65 sen goes back to the Government.
Last year, PETRONAS made a pre-tax profit of RM86.8 billion. The amount
given back to the Government (in royalty, dividends, corporate income tax,
petroleum products income tax and export duty) was RM52.3 billion. The rest
of the profit was used to pay off minority interests and taxes in foreign
countries (about RM7.8 billion - PETRONAS now operates in more than 30
countries), and the remaining RM26.7 billion was reinvested. The amount
reinvested seems a lot, but the oil and gas industry is technology- and
capital-intensive. Costs have gone up exponentially in the last couple of
years. Previously, to drill a well, it cost about US$3 million; now it costs
US$7 million. The use of rigs was US$200,000 a day a couple of years ago;
now it costs US$600,000 a day.
A lot of people also do not realise that the amount returned by PETRONAS to
the Government makes up 35% of the Government's total annual income, to be
used by the Government for expenditures, development, operations, and yes,
for the various subsidies. That means for every RM1 the Government makes, 35
sen is contributed by PETRONAS.
So, instead of asking what happens to PETRIONAS' money or profits, people
should be questioning how the money paid by PETRONAS to the Government is
4) A lot of people also ask, why
we just stop exporting and sell at cheaper prices to local refiners? If
cheaper prices like other oil producing countries in the
I guess I don't have to answer the first couple of questions. It's simple
economics, and crude oil is a global commodity.
Why can't we sell petrol and diesel at lower prices like in the
Well, comparing
comparing kurma to durian, because these Middle Eastern countries have much,
much, much bigger oil and gas reserves.
cubic feet of gas. Compare that to
and 240 trillion cubic feet of gas.
9 million barrels per day. At this rate,
revenue could amount to US$1.2 billion per day! At this rate, it can
practically afford almost everything -- free education, healthcare, etc, and
subsidies -- for its people.
But if we look at these countries closely, they have in the past few years
started to come up with policies and strategies designed to prolong their
reserves and diversify their income bases. In this sense,
PETRONAS) has had a good head start, as we have been doing this a long time.
Fuel prices in
under the Automatic Pricing Mechanism introduced more than a couple of
decades ago. It is under this mechanism that the complex calculation of
prices is made, based on the actual cost of petrol or diesel, the operating
costs, margin for dealers, margin for retail oil companies (including
PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd) and the balancing number of duty or subsidy. No
retail oil companies or dealers actually make money from the hike of the
fuel prices. Oil companies pay for the products at market prices, but have
to sell low, so the Government reimburses the difference -- thus subsidy.
Subsidy as a concept is OK as long as it benefits the really deserving
segment of the population. But there has to be a limit to how much and how
long the Government should bear and sustain subsidy. An environment where
prices are kept artificially low indefinitely will not do anyone any good.
That's why countries like
subsidies. Even
selling fuel at market prices.
5) I feel I also need to say something on the allegation that PETRONAS is
not transparent in terms of its accounts, business transactions etc.
PETRONAS is first and foremost a company, operating under the rules and
regulations of the authorities including the Registrar of Companies, and the
Securities Commission and
(PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd, PETRONAS Gas Bhd, MISC Bhd and KLCC Property
Holdings Bhd.
PETRONAS the holding company produces annual reports which are made to
whomever wants them, and are distributed to many parties and places;
including to the library at the Parliament House for perusal and reading
pleasure of all Yang Berhormat MPs (if they care to read). PETRONAS also
makes the annual report available on its website, for those who bother to
look. The accounts are duly audited.
The website also contains a lot of useful information, if people really care
to find out. Although PETRONAS is not listed on
intents and purposes, it could be considered a listed entity as its bonds
and financial papers are traded overseas. This requires scrutiny from
investors, and from rating agencies such as Standard & Poor and Moody's.
6) The last time I checked, this is still a democratic country, where people
are free to spend their money wherever they like.
For those who like to see more of the money that they spend go back to the
local economy and benefiting their fellow Malaysians, perhaps they should
consider sticking to local products or companies.
For those who like to see that the money they spend go back to foreign
shareholders of the foreign companies overseas, they should continue buying
foreign products.
I'm sorry this is rather long, but I just have to convey it. I hope this
would help some of you out there understand something. The oil and gas
industry, apart from being very capital intensive, is also very complex and
volatile. I'm learning new things almost every single day.
Appreciate if you could help to forward this response to as many contacts as
possible to counter the subversive proposal out there.
Thank you.
3rd FLOOR,
EMAIL: norhana_noor@
D/L: 09-865 5642
FAX: 09-864 0287
the circus in town
well lately there's so many things ( u know what things) n i think everyone knows all abt it. to quote from janna syariza's blog..unless u're living in timbuktu, for sure u've heard the news. strangely despite all the news, i dont want to talk abt it, because all the readers would have read it elsewhere whether our traditional newspaper, website n blogs..but i want to talk abt ten years ago.
back in 1998, one fine morning, late for class as usual:).late i mean abt 5minutes before class started. i rarely late for class except i have night activity the day before( not clubbing, nauzubillah..usually only marathon movie watching or students association's meetings). my dear friend,S came to me and said..weh, anwar kene sack la..with my blurry eye, i said what? i dont understand. then she show the "satu kg"mate have been sacked from dpm position.that day mark the date of all this circus in our nation's history.
since 10 years ago, i have graduated from local u, start working, get married and have two beautiful daughters. and yet malayisan circus still going on. truely, i'm tired. tired abt all these and my pity goes to datin sri wan azizah and her family. whether DSAI do it or not, i really pity the wife and the children. especially the children. since becoming wife and mother, i can understand the plight that she held and the suffering that the children have to brace through. Ya Allah, lindungilah saudara-saudara kami ini. well, politics aside but is it fair to the children?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
i knew PPSMI is all about ETems( for u unfamiliar abt this abbreviations, just remember that this is abt teaching maths and Science in english) but I have nothing to do with ppsmi all my life. well, the person who is in charge before this is my very dear and close friend, kak t. however she just being transfered to kelantan and now the job is being given to me. oh great..i remember she already promised me to coax my superior not to land the job with me since i am quite bz(ahem..) with my current workload but it seems my superior had already make up her mind before she even being coaxed by kak t
wow, great..the job is one thing and going tp give my answer and opinion at jabatan level is another. terbayang-bayang the person in charge in jabatan will say, how come u dont know? cikgu tak wat kerja la ni..tottettottet...(sound like me when asking my daughters to take their nap)
Monday, June 30, 2008
setelah lama tak mengomel, arini nak cakap melayu plak
bz betul 2-3 minggu ni
last week ada ari terbuka-pada hari terbuka ni parents come to school and talk abt their children with the teachers(eh ckp omputeh balik).
there are 32 pupils in my class. fortunately, they have been streamed and theoritically my class is the first class in terms of academic. well, the children is quite young, just 8 years old but some are more mature than others.i'm quite sorry for this children coz they are force to compete with each other and make the parents resort to send for extra classes. some of the children in my class is very bright but since everybody is competing to be better., these bright children are only considered average. one of the parents, cite that she didnt have time to see her daughter doing her homewok( i understand some parents who work beyond 9-5 just to make extra income) and she asks me whether her daughter needs extra class, i firmly said no since her daughter is quite good in my subject and she did pay attention in class. while other parents, i did recommend his son to go for extra class since he not able to cope with my teaching but the father said no.. i respect his decision since he said, he pity the boy..early morning go to sekolah agama, came back at 11, bathe, lunch and then off to sekolah kebangsaan, come back at 6, bathe, dinner and then go mengaji at 8, after 9, doing homework and then 10 off to sleep. the boy seems hardly enjoying his childhood. back my time, i still remember main parit behind my house or go cycling around the village until 'azan' maghrib. such a nostalgia:).
few months ago we read in the newspaper how a girl commit suicide just because she did not get good result for her upsr. seme ni tekananla, peer pressure(sorila, arini rojak..)budak2 ni pun kesian, kalau tak g tution, tetinggal
tp kalau g , lthla.and no time to play at all.isk2..kalau budak2 chinese lgla.g piano,taekwondo,ballet..mcm2 lg. homework dahla bertimbun..i used to learn from chinese teacher, mr chia..i still remember how he taught us very firm yet enjoyable and his homework(tonnes of it), how he call me cik manja:)..melalutla plak..
well, the moe has started saying to shift from exam oriented to something more enjoyable. i hope the 'matlamat' will be achieved soon and for the educators takla kelam kabut sgt nak mengabiskan syllabus:)
a nd the children, maybe we can giv e them some deserved break every day, maybe after school, let them play or watch tv abit and then 8-10 homework time, reward them if they finish their homework or show some progress. if they need extra class, maybe on saturday/ sunday so that they can still enjoy their childhood
after all childhood only comes once in a lifetime,rite?
euro is over!!
its been two weeks since my last post
i've been very bz with hari terbuka(open day) and laptop-crisis in my workplace
although i long to write and so many issues so intwresting to write but due to time-constrain,it never materialise. as the title suggest, finally i can rejoice since EURO IS OVER!!!
as i never want it to happen, but i still respect Spain to lift the cup:). my husband is smiling ear to ear since he win the bet:). moreover his fav boy, TORRES scores the winning goal.
ok, enuff abt the soccer. i bet whoever the one who loves abt soccer is still drooling in sleeping, so i better talk abt something else.
Monday, June 16, 2008
really dont understand
in this materialistic world we tend to forget there is no tomorrow for us-for muslim, macam tak ingat mati je...(i'm sure other religion also recognise that any evil u do will be returned with some balasan whatsoever)
lets be simple, for instance muslim who did not pray
well, praying is one of our rukun islam and it is our obligation whether we like it or not
there are 4 categories of muslim that i notice
a)pious- they pray alot
b)moderate- they pray but sometimes skip when it is inconvenience for them like when they go to shopping etc..., in the middle of something-like bersanding,malas nak lap mekap and etc
c)people who did not pray- usually to their lack of knowledge of islam"
d)people who know and yet choose not to pray and oppose the pray itself- geng2 kerajaan langit
well another thing is pakai tudung for muslimah- its terang lagi bersulung dalam quran said we, muslimah should cover ourselves. how we are going to cover its up to ourself, wheteher its burqa, hijab or our tudung wardina, bienda and macam2 lg..but pleasela not tudung ct norhaliza, sharizat,jeanne...and u know who else( i notice during 50's, ramai yg pakai tudung jambul ni..back to future kot). like praying, there are 4 categories but i think the most dangerous one is the category (d). they are usually well-educated muslimah but yet choose to apply only certain bit of islam in their life. One of famous muslimah assoc that approve this is SIS. i've read I Am Muslim by Dina Zaman( i thik she also support the cause of SIS) and i strongly advise the readers to read it and give ur comment.
well, actually i want to talk abt just basic thing of being my workplace-there is a species that i would like to called them 'tukun". They are taking the job just for the sake of getting their salary on 25th every month. that's why la everyone said keje gomen ni goyang kaki. they will come to work and sit idly and leisurely, watching tv, surfing net in the lab(me included) and almost 15 minutes before time-off, they already pack their bag and go home. some even go to banks, shopping within the office hour. if they are doing it during the break or with the s/visor's approval.; then its fine for me. but off -course they are not. and when it comes to appraisal and promotion, they came out as top contender!how unfair the life is...
sometimes all we can do is not to ask our superior what makes this tukun is better than us because we might end up more sakit hati than before. but like on of my more-emotionally-controlled friend said, Sabarlah Da, ni masa dia(this is his time), insha Allah next time it will be yours especially in AKHIRAT, ALLAH knows what u're doing..and being a very good muslim(insha allah) we have to accept and always remember thet rezki is given byALLAH. sometimes our tukun have bigger salary than us but, 'berkat' is not there, he always end up macam tak cukup makan compared to us with lower pay since his gaji is not 'berkat'. when i compare my pay to my's a very wide gap between, yet with my father's meagre income, he managed to send all 7 of us to university without borrowing money from a single person/ah long-that's what berkat is for me. i'm not sure i can send my daughters to higher edu without taking loan int the future mumbling is becoming more nonsense like nenek2 already, have to pen off now or u reaers are going to fall asleep.bye for now
Friday, June 13, 2008
i cannot believe my ears when my husband said that while i am busy preparing breakfast for him this morning. i've been betting on germany to win the cup but they already dissapoint me in their second game. i 've read before that shebby singh had predicted Croatia is going to be the dark horse in group B and 'unsangkarably' his prediction is bull eyes!
now i have to think again who going to win. oh god please dont make it SPAIn.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
football mania
including at home since euro 2008 has started
before euro, its epl
after euro..around august epl will start again
i guess i will never got to touch the remote control whenever my the other half is around..sigh..
i try to like football- i mean the live telecast..but sometimes it is too much..especially in this time of season where astro even got 4 channels to telecast the game-delayed or live..sigh..i just have to bear until 30th that time MERDEKA!but it is only short lived since epl will start again around august. my liverpool die-hard fan husband definitely will ctrl the remote on wknd to watch his team playing.i used to know no-one from his team but now i can recite few players especially his STRIKER of the year-who else than TTTTOOORRRes.than the coach-benitez and few others like xabi alonso, his IDOL-GERRARD. and just for the purpose to tease him, I even pretend to be the die-hard fan of MU-the team that he despise the most especially since MU got the 2008 league and europian championship..hehe...i can recite almost every MU players but surely I cannot argue with him about the technical aspect of the game. just telling him how smart my christiano ronaldo keep diving to get penalty:)
due to his fanaticsm of liverpool, he even bet on spain to get the euro cup. and not to be left behind, i vote for portugal(definitely because ronaldo in it) to win the cup. germany, holland also have big potential to win. what abt u?
i have to end here, no paasssion to write today. my eyelid keep closing while i have tonnes of adab belajar to be completed . thats all for now
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
petrol price
my very wise thrifty elder brother had already thinking of cycling from his taman medan house to the office in pj. after all he do need the exercise. while i am not able to save in terms of fuel consumption, terms gardening had been dancing in my mind for few days now. me? gardening?my mother will simply rolling on the floor laughing while my father, in his macho style will simply said..i dont think its a wise idea my dear..:)
what? everyone will simply think; me; the most spoil child in the family will ever dirty my hands just to plant pandan leaves, curry leaves(seriously u're not thinking i am going to grow my own paddy-field here) and few essential herbs that i need in my cooking.
well first i need to buy some soil in Carrefour, some pasu and of course seed or anak pokok.then the planting process and taking care of it every day. the last process is simply the one i dreaded most. not because it is hard to do but simply because sometimes my' hangat-hangat taik ayam" will simply crept up to me
besides gardening, i am thinking of keeping my air-cond remote somewhere where i can forget. for now.thank god it raining almost every day now so it is not too hot for our family to sleep without one.when the el-nina/la-nina came,then , i have to find the remote back
if u readers, somehow reading this, can u suggest whaat else can i save on. plz dont say no shopping on weekend since it is my form of therapy:).
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
i just started my blog yesterday and i already addicted!
whenever i'm free my mind is full of thought, thinking what i am going to write today:)
writing is my weakness especially in this stamford raffles language:)
although finger-pointing is not encouraged..i would like to state that i am the product of this so-call kbsr and the headlines in the paper abt graduate student did not excel in english is sadly TRUE..
that bring me to the discussion today abt the usage of english in maths and science
as an educator myself, i know the challenge that is faced by almost all the teachers nationwide..
the difficulties to teach the children ( off course u have to exclude the children studying at most missionary schools, schools in the exclusive areas such damansara, mont kiara, private schools and so forth) but i still think the ETEms should be continued regaRDLESS ALL THE BROUHAHA FROM THE POLITICIAN...
from my point of view the children today are more easily to get adapted to the language since they're exposed to various media in their daily lives. even rural folks do have tv in their home. Some even have ASTRO which is not a luxury anymore due to the skyscrapers which keep blocking the signals to be transmitted to the fish-bone tV aerials locared in most houses.even most of the cartoons are in ENGLISH. even my two-year old can already recite 1-10 in english.that for me quite an accomplishment compared to me which only know that when i go to school
i know the result is not that good but things like this takes quite a long time to produce good result. u cannot teach for just 6 years abd hoping all the year6(2008) children can speak english like mr stamford raffls itself(even thy're teacher still stuttering and mumbling words...bukan seme...only few:))
so, as a conclusion..i really hope hte POWER EHO IN CHARGE will continue the ETEMs and please forget abt not being patriotic here..we are doing it for the sake of our children. it hink by the time all my children goes to work, they need even more than 3 language to be fluent in just to get a decent job
well , enuff said..esok masih ada..:)
Monday, June 9, 2008
since PR12, blog-mania is everywhere..i think the most novice wakil rakyat know what is blog.. i somehow also knew this since back my university days but due to limited resources(read it streamyx :) ), the passion is never there...but in order not to be too left behind from my college mate..i have to start one now..but it might be too plain and bland..just forgive this newcomer:)
saat-saat pertama bergelar ibu

cinta hati pertama