Monday, June 30, 2008


setelah lama tak mengomel, arini nak cakap melayu plak
bz betul 2-3 minggu ni
last week ada ari terbuka-pada hari terbuka ni parents come to school and talk abt their children with the teachers(eh ckp omputeh balik).
there are 32 pupils in my class. fortunately, they have been streamed and theoritically my class is the first class in terms of academic. well, the children is quite young, just 8 years old but some are more mature than others.i'm quite sorry for this children coz they are force to compete with each other and make the parents resort to send for extra classes. some of the children in my class is very bright but since everybody is competing to be better., these bright children are only considered average. one of the parents, cite that she didnt have time to see her daughter doing her homewok( i understand some parents who work beyond 9-5 just to make extra income) and she asks me whether her daughter needs extra class, i firmly said no since her daughter is quite good in my subject and she did pay attention in class. while other parents, i did recommend his son to go for extra class since he not able to cope with my teaching but the father said no.. i respect his decision since he said, he pity the boy..early morning go to sekolah agama, came back at 11, bathe, lunch and then off to sekolah kebangsaan, come back at 6, bathe, dinner and then go mengaji at 8, after 9, doing homework and then 10 off to sleep. the boy seems hardly enjoying his childhood. back my time, i still remember main parit behind my house or go cycling around the village until 'azan' maghrib. such a nostalgia:).
few months ago we read in the newspaper how a girl commit suicide just because she did not get good result for her upsr. seme ni tekananla, peer pressure(sorila, arini rojak..)budak2 ni pun kesian, kalau tak g tution, tetinggal
tp kalau g , lthla.and no time to play at all.isk2..kalau budak2 chinese lgla.g piano,taekwondo,ballet..mcm2 lg. homework dahla bertimbun..i used to learn from chinese teacher, mr chia..i still remember how he taught us very firm yet enjoyable and his homework(tonnes of it), how he call me cik manja:)..melalutla plak..
well, the moe has started saying to shift from exam oriented to something more enjoyable. i hope the 'matlamat' will be achieved soon and for the educators takla kelam kabut sgt nak mengabiskan syllabus:)

a nd the children, maybe we can giv e them some deserved break every day, maybe after school, let them play or watch tv abit and then 8-10 homework time, reward them if they finish their homework or show some progress. if they need extra class, maybe on saturday/ sunday so that they can still enjoy their childhood
after all childhood only comes once in a lifetime,rite?


Anonymous said...

Aida, betullah kesian budk2 kat Malaysia.Everything is exam oriented etc. Tapi, terbalik pula kat Aussie ni. Budk2 banyak main kat primary school. My son's homework pun sehelai kertas je sehari, huhu.. Tapi, saya tengok, students degree diorang bagus2 dan power2 dlm bidang Biomed ni. Saya pun tak betul2 digest lagi dengan system diorang ni.I will keep you informed-Maryam

aida abdullah said...

ok thanks mar
i'm waiting for ur response

saat-saat pertama bergelar ibu

saat-saat pertama bergelar ibu
cinta hati pertama